vCenter Single Sign On Installation on a named instance of SQL 2008 Server


If you have trouble getting past the Database Information Screen during setup, with error connecting to Database server, then this might help.

1. Ensure you are not using dynamic TCPIP ports in SQL Server. I used default port 1433. 

2. Do not use Windows Authentication ( I dont know why VMWare provided that option, if they dont support it ). You must have mixed mode authentication enabled in your SQL Server. 

3. You should have run the DBscripts (rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupTablespaces.sql and rsaIMSLiteMSSQLSetupUsers) provided in VMWare install media. Before running the script, Copy and modify the SQL script to point to right install path and specify the password in the users script. No need to run rsaIMSLiteMSSQLCreateSchema script. 

4. Enable “Use Manually created DB users” check box.

5. Specify Database user name : RSA_USER and password you specified in Step3.

6. Specify Database user name : RSA_DBA and password you specified in Step3.

7. Check the “I will enter the JDBC URL myself”. Provide this


ofcourse, modify it as per your environment. For InstanceName, specify <Servername>\<instancename>

Click Next.. Voila…



How to reboot a Windows System using WMI ?


If you know the administrator password of a system that you are authorized to use, you can use this function to reboot it for some automation needs. please do not try this on systems that you are not authorized to use. I have shown only the function definition here. You can use this in a QTP function library.
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